I received my Raspberry Pi Zero W a couple of weeks ago and finally had the chance to set it up. My goal is to to setup some cameras in my basement and garage.

I received my Raspberry Pi Zero W a couple of weeks ago and finally had the chance to set it up. My goal is to to setup some cameras in my basement and garage.
Sometimes you just need to clear your history in Terminal. It’s actually pretty easy to do.
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history -c |
If you’d rather not have your history saved to a file at all, add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile:
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unset HISTFILE |
This way, your command history is limited to only those commands you used during the current session. More information and options can be found on the bash man page
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man bash |
To clear DNS cache in Leopard, use the following command:
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dscacheutil -flushcache |
Chances are good that you’re already familiar with apt-get, a command which uses the “advanced package tool” to interact with the operating system’s underlying package system. The most relevant and useful commands are, (to be run as root):
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apt-get install [package-name] |
This command installs the package(s) specified, along with any dependencies.
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apt-get remove [package-name] |
This command removes the package(s) specified, but does not remove dependencies.
I have XAMPP setup on my Mac. Getting MySQL and PHP to run in terminal didn’t work after installation. To be able to run mysql and php you have to add the xampp application to the .bash_profile file in your users home directory.
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# .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs export XAMPP_HOME=/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles export PATH=${XAMPP_HOME}/bin:${PATH} export PATH unset USERNAME |
To check that it has worked, open a new terminal session and type in:
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which mysql which php |
Both should point to /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles
I’m not an SVN guy; I love my GIT but, sometimes you inherit projects where SVN was the choice used for version control. There are many ways to do this of course but my preferred method is creating a Batch (.bat) file in the root of the target folder, add this line and run it.
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FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S *.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G" |
It’s a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal. The Drush Package Manager allows you to download, enable, disable, uninstall, update modules/themes/profiles/translations from the command line in a very simple way (apt-get style) – just type,
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drush dl views |
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drush pm-enable views |
in a Drupal directory to install the Views project! Additionally, the Drush Package Manager also allows you to update all your modules and even Drupal core with just one command,
Static blocks are a great way to add sections of HTML to your CMS or Catalog pages. I’m going to show you how to add a static block to a CMS page.
It’s a 2 step process and a very simple one. First, create your static block by going to CMS->Static Blocks. You will use the identifier of your static block to reference it on the CMS page. Edit the CMS page you would like this block to appear in, and add this code in the location where you would like it to show up:
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{{block type="cms/block" block_id="home-page-promo"}} |
When using the LIKE keyword in a MySQL query, I use it the most typical way, LIKE ‘%STRING%’. One day, I was in need to use a column name instead and could not figure out how to do it! At first, I tried to just replace the string value with the column name like this, LIKE (%t.column%). The end-result was not good as the LIKE keyword expects a string.
So, I thought of trying the CONCAT() function since that returns a string. And it worked!
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LIKE CONCAT('%', t.column) |
Hope this helps someone!
2 commands I use often throughout the day is importing and exporting large databases into MySQL VIA the command line. Here is how I do it where “USERNAME” is your username, “PASSWORD” is your password and “DATABASE” is your database name.
To Export:
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mysqldump -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE | gzip -c > ~/dump_2010-06-14.sql.gz |
To Import:
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mysql -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE < database.sql |
Also, you may have a large database that may give you errors while importing. You can use this command to force the import without warnings or errors:
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mysql -f -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE < database.sql |
Hello, my name is Richard Castera. I have more than 12 years of experience architecting, implementing, leading and launching large scale, high performance software products in a fast-paced agile environment.